Social Emotional Learning
This section of the Oregon City School District website is intended to provide teachers and caregivers resources for Social and Emotional Learning. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The Oregon City School District is enhancing its approach to social, emotional, and behavioral health. This is also known as Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The Oregon Department of Education has adopted new standards that will be implemented in the fall of 2024. Instead of treating these areas as separate skills, we see them as opportunities for positive change. By partnering with families and educators, we aim to create lasting improvements. New programs include updated counseling methods, “Rest and Return” rooms to help students reset, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) training for all of our staff.
In February of 2024, all of our staff attended the Educational Equity Conference with keynote speaker Sherrie Raven from CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), sparking a district-wide dialogue on SEL. After the conference, a team of educators and administrators reviewed the new SEL standards and framework from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and are creating a handbook for school-wide practice.
Our elementary schools will integrate SEL instruction into all aspects of school life and strengthen family partnerships. Our middle schools will focus on helping students develop skills for transitioning to high school, while our high schools will focus on preparing students for their future careers. At every level, educators and caregivers are encouraged to reflect on their own social and emotional health, build skills and grow alongside their students.
In summary:
OCSD is dedicated to students' social and emotional health.
ODE has asked us to rethink our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) methods and have adopted standards for implementation beginning in the 24-25 school year.
In response, OCSD is enhancing current practices (like belonging-focused classes and PBIS initiatives), revitalizing existing ones (such as counseling groups and Rest and Return rooms), and creating new approaches and skills for teaching and learning (including comprehensive staff training on SEL standards and targeted support for vulnerable groups).
This work involves the whole community, and we're excited to collaborate with educators, caregivers, and students to foster healthy learning environments for everyone.