Supporting English Learners
Welcome Teachers!
Along with more rigorous academic expectations, the Common Core State Standards have increased the level of language skills necessary to comprehend complex texts as well as express understanding of new concepts or topics. Sheltered Instruction is a framework of instruction that allows English Learners to access increasingly complex academic content while still continuing to acquire a second language. The Sheltered Instruction approach consists of components vital for second language learners but good teaching strategies for all students. In fact, it could be argued that now, more than ever, many of our students could be considered English Learners when it comes to Academic English.
Below are links that contain useful teaching tools and resources to help support you and your students.
Writing Language Objectives K-5:
This "padlet" includes links to resources that are helpful in writing language objectives in an elementary classroom.
Writing Language Objectives 6-12:
This "padlet" includes links to resources that are helpful in writing language objectives in a secondary classroom.
Getting Kids Talking K-5 Resources
This "padlet" includes links to resources that are helpful in encouraging student talk in the elementary classroom.
SIOP Institute for lesson templates
English Language Learner resources available through NW regional ESD
New Oregon English Language Proficiency Standards
Did you know that the state of Oregon adopted new English Language Proficiency standards this year? These standards were developed in partnership with Stanford University's Understanding Language program. They were designed to answer the following question: What language skills do students need to be able to read, write, speak and listen within the new Common Core State Standards? Ten standards were set for each grade bands (K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12) and are very helpful in setting language goals/objectives for your lessons.
Understanding Language - Teaching Resources
This link includes sets of teaching resources created by the Understanding Language program at Stanford University that exemplify high-quality instruction for ELLs across three content areas. The resources correspond to CCSS in English Language Arts and Mathematics and to the Next Generation Science Standards.
This site will grow with your ideas and resources. Please contact us with your suggestions, questions or tools. Be sure to watch for updates.