Oregon DMV Information

Oregon Department of Transportation

How do I get my license under 18?


Driving Restrictions Until 18 Years of Age:

You cannot operate a motor vehicle while using a mobile communication device, including talking on a cell phone and texting. Hands-free accessories are not allowed. Once you turn 18, different restrictions may apply.

First Six Months:

  • You can not drive with a passenger under age 20 who is not a member of your immediate family*; and

  • You can not drive between midnight and 5:00 AM unless you are:

    • Driving between home and work

    • Driving between home and a school event for which there is no other transportation available

    • Driving for employment purposes; or

    • Accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 25 years old.

Second Six Months:

  • You can not drive with more than three (3) passengers who are under age 20 who are not members of your immediate family*; and

  • You can not drive between midnight and 5:00 AM unless you are:

    • Driving between home and work

    • Driving between home and a school event for which there is no other transportation available

    • Driving for employment purposes; or

    • Accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 25 years old.

  • Passenger restrictions do not apply while driving with an instructor as part of a certified traffic safety education course or with a parent, stepparent, or legal guardian who has valid driving privileges.

Note: The passenger and night driving restrictions only apply until you are 18 or you have had your provisional license for one year, whichever comes first.