150 year Anniversary

October 5, 2024

Oregon City School District Celebrates its 150th year as an established school district.

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OCSD Community Supports 2018 School Bond

November 5, 2018

Oregon City School District Commmunity supports the passing of the 2018 school bond for the rebuild of Gardiner and the remodel of Tumwata Middle School.

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Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2003

This is my description for the timeline card.

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First Un-Official Oregon City Public School

May 7, 1855

S.W.Moss offered a room in his downtown OC hotel for the first public classroom.

Code for 150 Timeline

First Un-official Oregon City Public School

May 7, 1855

S.W.Moss offered a room in his downtown OC hotel for the first public classroom.

District No.15 - Beavercreek


The original location of Beavercreek School is unknown.


District No.4 - Logan (Currently Springwater)


Logan School was the state’s oldest building in continuous use until 1959..


District No. 27 - Maple Lane


Maple Lane School was built on 1.5 acres and donated on June 25, 1879.


District No.43 - Mt.Pleasant

February 17, 1866

Mt Pleasant was one of Oregon’s first public schools.


Districty No.28 - Riverside (Currently District No. 114 Jennings Lodge; built in 1907)

November 12, 1866

Riverside School; District# 28 was the original site for District#114’s school - Jennings Lodge.


District No.48 - Park Place


Park Place School, one of the oldest in the country, has the distinction of turning out the very first high school graduate in the USA!

First Oregon City Public School

1868 - 1889

In 1868, the first OC School met in the Old Female Seminary Building, (Built in 1949).


District No.51 - Holcomb


Holcomb was named after the carpenter that built the original school.


District No.70 - Evergreen - Current: Redland


Redland School used to be known as Evergreen School, located on the same site.

District No. 3 - Canemah


District#3 Canemah School was the second largest district in Clackamas County..


First Graduating Class of OCHS


The first High School met in the Old Girl’s Seminary building and began a 3-year course of study in 1868, with the first graduating class in 1870.


District No.62 Established

November 13, 1874

The year 1872 saw the passing of a law to give County School superintendents the authorization to establish districts. Although Oregon City did not establish a district until the City Council released control to the school board, School District Number 62 was formed November 13, 1874. The Old Girl’s Seminary Building was finally torn down in 1889 after being in use for 38 years. It made way for a replacement school with 6 rooms called Barclay School. Barclay was one of many local schools at the time including; 7th Street School (later called Eastham), Canemah, Lower Logan, Beavercreek, Maple Lane, Mt. Pleasant, Park Place, Holcomb, Crescent, Henrici, Hazeldale, Twilight, Jennings Lodge, Clairmont, and Echo Dell. Newer versions of several of these first schools still functioned in the district well into the 20th Century. The first Oregon City High School building was constructed in 1910 on the corner of 12th and John Adams and opened in September 1911. The district grew so rapidly that in 1915 a bond was approved to expand the facilities and by 1936, a new three-story brick building was built, (Jackson Campus). When they moved the high school population to the new building, the former High School building was used as Oregon City Junior High from 1936 to 1955. Sadly by 1954 the building was overloaded with more than 500 students and was judged unsafe. In 1954 a bond was again passed to build a new Junior High named Thora B. Gardiner Junior High School; joined by Ogden Junior High School 10 years later in 1965 and Moss Junior High School in 1976. By the late eighties the district was growing and in 1985 Moss Jr high school was closed and converted to a freshman only campus, opening in 1989, leaving the Oregon City High School with only 10th through 12th graders. Due to changing districts and budget shortfalls in 1985, Barclay Elementary was closed and thestudents were rerouted to other local elementary schools. Eastham Elementary followed being shuttered in 1992 although the district re-purposed the building and opened it as a Community Center hub.

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District No.98 - Falls View (above Willamette Falls)


Falls View #98 was located on the highest bvluff overlooking the Falls.

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Timeline Item 1


The site was at the intersection of Holly Lane and Redland Road.


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Site was located at the intersection of Henrici Rd and Beavercreek Rd.


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Dr. Forbes Barclay donated money for a new building, Barclay School. It held all 12 grades with its first graduating class in 1890.


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Site was located between Beavercreek and Mulino.


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Site located on Buckner Creek Rd just south of Beavercreek.


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Eastham School was added to District#62 as the population was quickly outgrowing Barclay School.


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Located near the intersection of Beutel Rd and South End Rd..


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Located _____________.


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The original High School was built in 1910 and was torn down in 1936, but the adjacent gym building still stands and houses Willamette Falls Studio on 11th and Jackson St.


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Located on a hilltop overlooking Abernethey Creek.


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The present building was dedicated in 1930. The school was closed in 2012 and sold to the City of OC.


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September 6, 1928

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July 29, 1929

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Due to over-crowding in the current high school, a new 3-story brick school was constructed in 1935 to house the growing community.


Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2023

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Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2023

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Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2023

This is my description for the timeline card.

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Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2023

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Timeline Item 1

Jan 1, 2023

This is my description for the timeline card.

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150 year Anniversary

October 5, 2024

Oregon City School District Celebrates its 150th year as an established school district.

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OCSD Community Supports 2018 School Bond

November 5, 2018

Oregon City School District Community supports the passing of the 2018 school bond for the rebuild of Gardiner and the remodel of Tumwata Middle School.

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OCSD Supports 2000 Bond

Jan 1, 2003

Oregon City School District Community supports the passing of the 2000 school bond for the new Oregon City High School off Beavercreek Rd .

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