January 10, 2022 Work and Regular Sessions
Please see below for temporary changes to in person board meetings due to the current rise in Covid-19 cases.
At this time, only board members, district staff and guest speakers will meet in person. The Board welcomes the community to attend board meetings virtually through live streaming on YouTube or via Zoom.
OCSD YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9SL4SgfjXqeHbdejmif1WA
Zoom Webinar: https://ocsd62.zoom.us/j/85289950147
Patrons may provide input in the following ways:
Submit input electronically: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K2XC5FK
Submit input via Zoom: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczuLIEak7d9ZoumyuIKn03Ns5r4htT6Ud6aF2pBULS1XCqJw/viewform?usp=pp_url
Give input in person by following the steps below:
Upon arrival, fill out the patron input form with your name, district affiliation and topic you wish to speak about.
Please wait outside and you will be called in to give your input at the appropriate time. Please note that you will have 3 minutes to address the Board.
Once your 3 minutes have ended, please dismiss yourself from the board room.