Digging Into the Data

This week our strategic plan steering committee met via zoom to review and discuss several forms of data. Members looked at a distilled version of the survey results, as well as the data from the Oregon Department of Education for the 2021-2022 school year in comparison with the last two/three school years (2017 - 2019, 2020-2021 was omitted due to data not gathered during the COVID-19 emergency).

Members were grouped into 6 smaller groups to review and discuss the data and find trends that would inform our priorities as a district. They first reviewed the distilled survey data and found three common potential priorities that appeared across the results. Then they reviewed the ODE data and found three more common potential priorities that could be addressed. Then they compared the two sets of potential priorities to develop a final set of three potential priorities the district could focus on in regards to budgeting district resources.

The next step in our strategic plan will be engaging Focus Groups to give feedback on the drafts of the mission, vision, values, as well as the potential priorities.

We’re getting close to the end of this process and want to sincerely thank all of those dedicated individuals who have participated either by completing the survey, to acting on the steering committee, to engaging in a focus group. This is incredibly important work for our district and will help shape our future! The outcomes of our strategic plan will inform our district on how and where to seek funding, how and where to spend funding, and what to focus on as a priority in the upcoming years.


Revisioning OCSD