Summer Meals


Come to any of our locations and enjoy a nutritious summer meal at no cost.
Participants must eat the main portion of the meal at the site.
For children 0 to 18 years old

June 17th – August 16th
Monday – Friday
Closed: June 19th & July 4th & 5th

OCSD Summer Meals Sites

Gardiner Middle School

Address: 205 Williams St., Oregon City, Or 97045

Days: Monday - Friday

Breakfast: 7:30 am – 8:30 am 6/17 – 8/2 only

Lunch: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Jennings Lodge

Address: 18521 SE River Rd., Milwaukie, OR 97267

Days: Monday - Friday

Breakfast: 7:30 am – 8:30 am 6/24 – 8/16 only

Lunch: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Discover Summer Meals!

During the school year, 30 million children receive free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch. But when school is out, many of the children relying on these school meals, go hungry. Summer Meal Programs help close that gap. Summer Meals give children the nutrition they need so they are ready to learn when they return to school.

What are the Summer Meal Programs?

Summer Meals are the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the National School Lunch Program. They are federally funded, State-administered programs that provide nutritious meals to children in low- income areas during the months when school is not in session.

  • State agencies communicate and receive funding through USDA to administer Summer Meal Programs. State agencies work with sponsors to ensure program operations are being managed effectively, nutritious meals are served to the intended population, and meals are being counted and claimed properly.

  • Sponsors communicate with the State agency to run the programs. Potential sponsors include schools, local government agencies, camps, and faith-based and other non-profit community organizations that have the ability to manage a food service program. While responsible for the operation of summer meal sites, sponsors also must ensure access to meals is available and known to eligible children in their communities.

  • Sites communicate and work directly with sponsors. Sites are the places in the community where children receive fresh, well-balanced meals. Sites may be located in a variety of safe and supervised settings, including schools, parks, community centers, churches, camps, and migrant centers.

  • SFSP reimburses sponsors for serving meals to children that meet Program requirements. Sponsors may receive reimbursement for serving up to two meals. Camps or sites that primarily serve migrant children may be approved to serve up to three meals.

  • SSO offers a streamlined approach for schools to continue to serve meals to children at community sites by following the same meal service rules and procedures used during the regular school year.

Have Questions?

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Summer Meals:

Check out this video that quickly explains what the Summer Meal Programs are all about:



Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Fact Sheets

Food Research and Action Center

FRAC Facts: The Summer Food Service Program

For More Information

List of FNS Regional Offices:

List of State Agencies:

For Additional Information About the Summer Food Service Program Please Contact:

Oregon City School District Nutrition Services

Office: (503) 785-8440                                      
