Intervention Specialist/Data Coach
1. Master’s degree in education or equivalent, representing extensive course work in reading and math instruction.
2. Fluent in Spanish and English. Proficient in reading, writing and speaking in both languages.
3. Proficient in using databased programs including Google Docs.
4. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.
Building Principal
Building Principal
The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will place priority on instruction of lower grade students (K-2) and serve upper grade students (3-5) as time permits, utilizing the basic principles of early identification, assessment and instruction of reading and math.
1. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will provide math and/or literacy services based on building goals and collaborate/consult with other building specialists regarding students and interventions.
2. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will work in grade-level PLCs and use student data to plan differentiated instruction, support classroom teachers in data collection, and coordinate classroom interventions using Read Well, Pasaporte, and STAR data.
3. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will be an active member of the school improvement team and is responsible for coordinating site-based mathematics and literacy assessments outlined in the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
4. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will collaborate with classroom teachers and consult with teachers and parents regarding student progress on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
5. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will provide academic instructional leadership for building staff by demonstrating knowledge of current best practices in mathematics and literacy instruction and assessment and provide teachers and paraprofessionals training in the use of assessments and data.
6. The Intervention Specialist/ Data Coach will plan or coordinate with classroom teachers all instructional activities carried out by paraprofessionals, and provide supervision of instructional activities as described in district policy and federal guidelines.
7. Perform other tasks as assigned.
Salary to be established in accordance with the Certified Agreement.
Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with the provisions of the Certified Agreement.