District Office Receptionist


1. Bachelor’s degree preferred, but not required.

2. Bilingual preferred, but not required.

3. Excellent computer skills and familiarity with Google Suite.

4. Ability to learn the licensed and classified contracts and the ability to assist others when necessary.

5. Ability to work with an online absence management system.

6. High level of customer service experience required.

reports to:

Director of Human Resources



job goal:

Performs a variety of duties for the Oregon City School District Office and the Human Resources Department.

performance responsibilities:

1. Answer phones, direct calls, answer the door and assist patrons.

2. Process district mail.

3. Assist with employee absence and substitute program database.

4. Assist with onboarding all employees.

5. Create name badges for all employees.

6. Obtain and track certificates of insurance for the district.

7. Assist Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant as needed.

terms of employment:

Twelve month year, eight (8) hours per day.


Range 12


The performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Director of Human Resources in accordance with the Board's policy on evaluation.


District Media Assistant


District Technology Server Specialist