Special Programs Head Secretary


1. Knowledge of modern office methods, practices and procedures, business English, spelling, punctuation and arithmetic.

2. Ability to perform clerical work with speed and accuracy.

3. Ability to interpret and apply school laws, policies, rules and regulations.

4. Ability to prepare reports.

5. Ability to communicate with students, staff, and the general public, using tact and discretion.

6. Must respect confidential information and reports.

7. High school diploma or equivalent.

8. Must have excellent attendance and punctuality.

9. Ability to carry out and give oral and written directions.

10. Knowledge of and experience working with Title 1-A program and McKinney-Vento Act preferred.

11. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.


Director of Special Programs


Perform or supervise the performance of varied office functions including clerical, secretarial, and receptionist duties. The use of independent judgment and decision making is sometimes required in matters not having established rules, regulations, or policies. Communications with students, staff, and the public require the use of tact and discretion.


1. Acts as secretary to the Director of Special Programs.

2. General clerical and secretarial duties, typing, correspondence, printing, copying, filing, etc. including the preparation of handbooks, bulletins, calendars, schedules, and agendas.

3. Assists in the preparation of budget documents; maintain records of requisitions and purchase orders; and order office and school supplies.

4. Assist in the development/management of district and building Title 1-A budgets.

5. Coordinate collection of evidence for Title 1-A compliance monitoring.

6. Oversee federal time and effort reporting.

7. Participate on the Title 1-A annual review team and coordinate the compilation of write-ups and summaries.

8. Computer data entry/keyboarding skills.

9. Maintain student, personnel, financial, statistical inventories and other responsible records including insurance accounts, lists and forms. Prepares and submits corresponding reports to the central office and education agencies when requested.

10. Communicates with the public, staff and students.

11. Performs related duties as directed by the Director of Special Programs.


As agreed. Salary to be established by the labor agreement and ratified by the Board of Education.


Performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Director of Special Programs in accordance with the Board's policy on evaluation.


Senior Campus/Barclay Custodian


Special Services Head Secretary